Sound Bites
  • "That is a bad day. That is a bad day."
  • "I've been in many of those little convenience stores and gas stations."
  • "I can shut up, but it's it's it's not it's like it's still more difficult to close."
  • "We're gonna bring a bunch of edibles to Pittsburgh Bird, so that'll be fun."
  • "Is it reciprocal? Like if you've got a medical card from Florida, is it?"
  • "Jessica Rabbit was hot. I don't care in any way."
  • "You're not winning the over 50 with a GoPro on your head, Greg. You gotta just..."
  • "You could. Penis cam."
  • "Yeah, well, I mean, if you're doing downhill shit like that, like if you're racing downhill, that's where the guys can really get hurt."
  • "He could see where one would find me terrifying"
  • "You can come in there and piss in the cat thing all you want if that's your kink"
  • "Why can't they invent that for people though?"
  • "Ahahahahah"
  • "Yeah, she hit me so hard my clothes flew off."
  • "I love when you too feud"
  • "You know they sell those devices you plug in that supposedly draw the smoke in like wear one of those around like a flavor on a necklace"
  • "I love smokers though. Like, you know, my brother's a smoker. He smokes indoors. He seems so shocked about it, you know."
  • "My dad would smoke with the windows rolled up in the car. We were hot boxing, fucking cigarette smoke on trips."
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